To Win Elections, Build Brand Loyalty
In 2022, Oregon Republicans saw the stars aligning to break the 10-election governor’s race losing streak. History shows that Oregon Republicans compete successfully in elections with a freshman Democratic president in his first midterm and full Democratic control of federal and Oregon State government. The last instances occurred in 1994 and 2010 — but even then, the Republican gubernatorial candidate fell short.
A Cold Spell in Oregon
Many of us spent the majority of October living in the Republican news bubble of Fox News, the Wall Street Journal and Real Clear Politics. For diversity, we might buy the New York Times and then roll our eyes at their political profiles of Democratic candidates they thought were running intelligent races in red states, such as Ohio. In our GOP bubble, poll after Real Clear Politics poll showed a Republican tsunami coming in the midterm election. In October, the bubble was a nice place to be.
A Modern Tale of Two Cities
Late one evening last December, just before Christmas, a Washington County mother sat at her kitchen table wrapping presents while the rest of her family slept. Suddenly, her phone buzzed with an alert. When she looked at the screen, she was startled to see video from an exterior home surveillance camera of a man actively trying to break into her home.
What if the Government Threw an EV Party and No One Came?
On August 25, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) adopted a package of rules that will prohibit the in-state sale of motor vehicles powered by internal combustion engines (ICE) after 2034.
Portland Is Doomed, but Don’t Blame the Mayor
I hear it from my friends and neighbors. I hear it from business owners. I hear it from my wife: “Ted Wheeler is the worst mayor ever!” But they’re wrong. Very wrong.
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